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Monday, December 28, 2009

Americas most wanted wants me.

I am Americas most wanted.

It was around Monday December 21st that I listened to a voice mail on my cell phone. I am out in the country and could not make most of it out other than the police were investigating a murder. I have a strict policy of not talking to the police so I deleted the message and forgot about it. Don’t be shocked by my not wanting to talk to the police, even in a murder case. For starters there is no way on the telephone to verify that who you are talking to are really the police. The other concern that I have is that the police could be lying to me when the were actually investigating me. I did not have an attorney representing me so I found it unwise to talk to who ever was trying to get a hold of me. I foolishly assumed that in the United States that I still had a right not to talk to the police. Boy was I wrong.

I started getting calls almost hourly from numbers that I did not recognise so I did not answer them. My mother in Florida however did answer her phone. If the police could not get me to talk to them they would terrorise my mother until I talked to them. (Yes I said “terrorise” as that is the main function of modern law enforcement IMHO) I finally relented and spoke with some female storm trooper, somewhere, telling her that I was not the person that they were looking for and I then foolishly considered the matter closed. That was until the next day when my mother informed me that this female storm trooper was still threatening to put out an APB on me if I did not call her yet again. Considering the warped mentalities that the organised crime family called law enforcement attracts I figured that she was just a control freak that wanted to make absolutely sure that I the slave knew my place. I talked to her again and she assured me that she was satisfied and that there was no need for further contact between us. (Never trust a cop as when their lips start moving they are lying.)

Let me back up a minute and fill you in on what I discovered as things unfolded:
Recently the show “Americas Most Wanted ” featured a show about a Paul Michael Merhige that murdered 4 people on November 26th in Jupiter Fl. (

Sometime around December 21st I went into a post office box type store in Marshfield MO. It seems that the person working in that store was an indoctrinated brown shirt that dutifully called Americas Most wanted hotline with the license plate number of my FL van saying the she had sighted Paul Merhige. It was also during this time that I noticed that the battery life of my cell phone was drastically reduced. I suspected that GPS tracking had been turned on. To verify that this was the case I fully charged it one night and then turned it off. The next morning when I turned it back on the battery was half dead. Doing some research on the Internet I came to the conclusion that for this type of drain that I was being monitored audibly in addition to GPS monitoring. I also learned that police could accomplish this as easily as blowing their nose with absolutely no oversight by anyone. I called my cell phone provider Verizon (another Brown shirt company IMHO) only to be told that they could not divulge whether GPS tracking had been turned on at law enforcements request unless I subpoenaed the information. Basically told to go pound salt because how many people have a few extra thousand dollars laying around to pay someone that belongs to the BAR monopoly to serve a subpoena?

Forward a few days….. I hear a rumor that the Marshfield library that I had just left was invaded by storm
Troopers. They ordered everyone out at gun point and were overheard to say “we know he is in here.”
Well my brain works very slowly sometimes or maybe I just don’t want to admit that I am living in the Matrix and have taken the red pill. A self imposed denial because the world is just too screwed up to contemplate. Now with the gift of hindsight I see that the storm trooper from Americas Most Wanted lied as expected and put an APB out on me. She did it just for spite is my suspicion. Just to teach one of the slaves that this is what happens to you when you dare question your masters. The other lesson learned from this is that your friendly tax supported public libraries are not only in the business of electronic book burning with their Internet filtering they are now in the Brown Shirt business. It seems that the ID I provided to get online was used surreptitiously to run an NCIC warrant and wants check on me. I assure you that the next time I visit a public library it will be a time for me to be surreptitious also and do something perhaps like urinating on one of their books and putting it back on the shelf and seeing how long it takes them to find it.

I also learned that law enforcement has a collective IQ of maybe 50 if they are lucky. If the Marshalls service or whoever put out the APB on me wanted me for some legitimate reason they had my cell phone number and my cell phone was on and contains a GPS chip. Alternately the Marshfield storm troopers could have made a phone call to whoever issued the warrant and gotten my phone number and called me on my cell phone rather than performing an armed assault on the library. This is the law enforcement that we have 10 years after 9/11 with billions of dollars spend on training and tools for them to more effectively fight terrorism. Instead of law enforcement it seems to me that they are in the business of training brown shirts that will someday rat you and I out for either having a bible a gun or some other item the new world order prohibits. Nor are they at war with terrorists they are at war with anyone that dares point it out when they violate the law or believe in the Constitution. As I am sure you already know law enforcement is at war with you and I.

Let’s forward a few days to Sunday December 27th.
I am in my van at the town square in Marshfield using WiFi from the coffee shop to check my email. I hear a voice to my left and glance out and see a storm trooper about 30 feet away, that has a 12 gauge shotgun leveled at my head and another has what looks like a .223 rifle probably an AR15. I get out and lay on my belly on the 20 degree street all the while informing Barney Fife and company that I am not the guy they are looking for and that this really looks like a law suit to me. While I was laying on the ground handcuffed they made another mockery of justice in that they made a quick look around my van with the legal pretense that they were looking for weapons that I could use to harm them with. While doing so this yoyo turned his back on me and if I had, had a pistol down the back of my pants or in an ankle holster I could have shot him as they had not even checked me thoroughly for weapons at all. I informed him of his error but he seemed unconcerned. I hope he has his life insurance paid up with an attitude like that. Perhaps we will be lucky enough to read about him some day on the Darwin Awards site.

Before they took me to the Sherriff’s office just across the street they asked for permission to search the van that they had already looked at. I was at this point thinking clearly enough to deny them permission.
After a short time in the jail I was told by what I thought to be a detective storm trooper that I was free to go after all he had done was to see my drivers license and check it out. They then began their psych-op on me using the good cop bad cop technique. These guys being the beneficiaries of various MK Ultra operations such as the one that tortured children at an orphanage in Canada, were very good at what they are trained to do. They lied me and asked me if I wanted to “get this thing cleared up?” They inferred that giving them my digital fingerprints would do the magical trick. I gave them my finger prints, a mug shot from 3 angles, my local address, and my cell phone number by the time they were through with me.

When the information came back from the finger print check they closed the door so that I could no longer hear. I surmise that is the part where they put me on a terrorist watch list because I believe in the Constitution and read the bible. Isn’t this what we pay these guys for?

I was relentless in my questioning as to how the finger print check was going to change things. They finally got tired of me asking, and admitted that they thought that I was homeless and just wanted to check me out so they lied to me to get me to comply. They also let me know that this changed nothing as far as "clearing things up". Once an APB is put out, even though we can send men to the moon, the storm troopers do not see it fit to design a mechanism into them to negate or recall them. Therefore it is conceivable that I could go through the same guns being pointed at my head tomorrow in Marshfield. If I were to go to another town say Springfield the likely hood of that happing again goes way up. If I were to go to a library to use the Internet in another town the likely hood of that happening again approaches even odds. What a wonderful free country we live in!

I now live in fear. I am afraid to go to town to get on the Internet. I find myself taking the battery out of my cell phone when I travel. I wonder if now that they know where I live if they will come in the night to take me away? (Like they practiced at the G20 in Pittsburgh.) I keep a weapon by my bed now. I am thinking of moving even though I have nowhere to go. I have business that needs taken care of in Springfield but am afraid to go there.

Do you think I over react? I have spent over half of my adult life homeless and have been raped by law enforcement on a regular basis for as long as I can remember. This is just one of many indignities, the latest being raped by the storm troopers in Marshfield MO that pose as law enforcement. I wonder how many other Americans were raped by the airing of this show?

FYI if you see criminal police behaviour report it here: