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Friday, December 24, 2010

Vermont nulifies s510 the "food safety bill"

The state of Vermont has drafted legislation that nullifies the "Patriot act of food" -  the  United Nations Codex Alimentarius, a preview of what the New World order has in store for us.

I ask ....What the heck is wrong with the incompetent bums in  Jefferson city?  Do they think that God given agricultural freedoms are unimportant in a state that has more farms than any other state in the union? Do these guys live on another planet or what? Are they just going to sit on their overpaid posteriors and let this United Nations dictated abomination enslave the people of Missouri?

Also what is wrong with the press in this state?  Their job historically has not been to lie in bed with politicians but rather to hold their feet to the fire.  As far as I can see the newspapers here are only useful for what the Soviet citizens delegated issues of Pravda for. It is ironic that today that  Pravda does a much better job of reporting than the Missouri media. Have you read it lately?
It's quite good if you want to find out what is happening in Amerika.

Why don't we have a plethora of online newspapers filling this gap and dereliction of duty of the Missouri press? Has everyone but myself taken the blue pill?

What stance has your local sheriff and his merry band of men taken on this abomination called s510?
Does he even have the intelligence and gonads to realise that the FDA can not operate in his county without his permission? He is after all the highest law enforcement officer in the country and can arrest any federal agent violating citizens rights in his county. If your sheriff is not even educated as to the powers and responsibilities of the office I suggest you elect another one that does.  Is there a way to recall  treasonous sheriffs?

Get on the ball sheeple of Amerika. Politics is not and never ever will be a spectators sport.
And if you think voting or pleading with politicians will ever change anything I have an ocean front property in Niagua for sale. Politicains are your empolyees and your servants and it's about time that you let them all know in uncertain terms that you understand this relationship and if they do not that they had better find other employment.

Lastly educate yourself check out Sherrif Macks site and the 10th amendment center:

Laws do not give us back our rights!

When it comes to rectifying lost rights,

For one it means that we have to wait sometimes years for justice.
And then we depend on the idiots that created the problem in the first place so solve it.
Does that  make any sense?
This approach also infers that government through legislation gives us rights. We are born with all rights! A law can only impinge upon rights so let's reject the idiotic idea of laws to give us back what we already posses.
If you buy into the idea that government can give you back a right, then you also buy into the idea that they can take rights away.  Are we really that stupid and gullible? Obviously so.

A major flaw in the US Constitution is that it depends on Government branches to regulate the misdeeds of other branches. This is a flawed view of how things really work.  I think the real answer is to institute control of government by the people into the Constitution.
I would like to see the institution of  citizen grand juries created,  that are able to indite ANYONE what violates an Americans Inalienable rights. The right of Jury nullification should also be ensured at the Constitutional level along with making it a crime to selectively pick a jury. (They call it  Voir Dire - I call it jury tampering.)

We also need to get rid of  many so called civil matters. For instance: In family matters unelected bureaucrats can come and take your child with no due process or trial.  We need to insure in stronger language that everyone is entitled to a jury trial in EVERY matter.

In my world view CPS workers that take children with no due process should be indicted by civilian grand juries on treason charges with the possibility upon conviction of execution. In my world view most government officials if they did not change their present behaviour would face a similar fate.

In the near term nullification by your county sheriff and state legislature may be a good way to mitigate the tyranny coming out of the District of Criminals. Make your voices heard. But please do anything other than clamouring for your owners to give you back a right. It's not very dignified to say the least.

In Liberty
Thom Jefferson


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Response to a Child Protective Services lover....

Bills comment:  I see this a little differently I guess.  I see a worker doing her job. She asked and received all the right questions and the case was disposed of.  Like the man says it was a friend of his that made the complaint there must have been something in the fathers behaviour that made the complainant think he was some type of nut.  The law states that once a complaint is made (any complaint)it must be investigated.  In recent past if child protective services had done their job as well as this lady did a child would have been spared years of sexual abuse by kidnappers.

Inalienable rights responded:

Well I see this differently also Bill.
It's apparent to me at least, that the controlled media and government schools have made sure that most people just accept what they are told.    i.e. CPS is good - end of story

Just doing your job is the excuse the guards used at Auschwitz to justify what they had done. It is no excuse when what you are doing is wrong. Everything that Hiltler, Stalin, and Mao did was legal and "the law" in their countries.

We have something in this country called the  4th amendment that protects against unreasonable searches.
Is the hear say word of a neighbour saying someone has a bug out bag probable cause that a crime has been committed? No way in hell!  I have family that fought and died for that 4th amendment and trampling it in the dirt like this is very disturbing!  A thing about rights... you use them or  lose them.

The Constitution also guarantees us trial by jury. But guess what? When the government wants to mess with your most precious possession - your children, unelected bureaucrats without any due process act like our gods and just take them with no Constitutional due process at all. In the "land of the free" you can get a jury trial for a speeding ticket but not if the state decides to kidnap your children!

I will keep the rest short but I suggest that you do your due diligence on the following:

A book "the Franklin cover-up"

Links organised child abuse right to the steps of our capital and was written by former US senator.

A movie about this was made and scheduled to air on the Discovery channel and right before it was to air pressure from Washington caused them to cancel it and destroy most copies of the show.

Here is a YouTube of a retired FBI agent testifying to this fact:

A US defence contractor in eastern Europe, DynCorp   - had it's employees caught owning young girls as sex slaves.  Guess what DynCorp is up to these days?

They are private contractors that run CPS in many states.

One last observation. I have know 4 women that were taken into state CPS custody in their youth. Every single one of them was raped while in state custody!
Another inexcusable thing that they do is to put an inordinate number of children in their custody on psychotropic drugs. If all of this is not frightening enough these organisation just "lose" hundreds of children on a regular basis and there is no accountability. In one infamous incident Florida DCF lost 3,000 children one year. Can you imagine this happening to you?  Just losing your child with no questions asked?

I urge all reading this to quit drinking the cool aide and to start thinking for yourself.

Inalienable Rights