After a long vacation from church I reluctantly paid a visit to a local church to see if anything had changed.
It went as I expected. The cult indoctrination began at once. You see no one is allowed in modern churches to have beliefs that differ from others in the church. To have a brain is a sin. To have your own ideas, however well reasoned out, or closely held, is sacrilegious. You are cajoled, arm twisted, brow beat, and ridiculed, until you accept their interpretation of scripture. Or you are run off... There are no other acceptable outcomes.
Is this not the very definition of a cult? Are not most all modern Christian churches cults? I think you can guess my position on this question.
You are told that scripture is the absolute word of God, and not to question it at all. Want to see the results of that? The Christian sect Christian Identity believes that black people are the spawn of Satan. There are Christian sects that believe that they are going to get beamed up to Heaven a-la, a Star Trek transporter beam right before TSHTF. And most Christians interpret Romans 13 to mean that your government can never be wrong, and to follow it into the pits of hell. That was what Hitler taught the German people, and this is what the vast majority of American Christians believe today, in large part because you can not question what you read in scripture.
I have been told over, and over, and over never to question what you read in scripture. Really? So if I read the scriptures to mean that blacks are the spawn of satin (Christian Identity does) then I dare not question this at all? I can not use the reasoning brain that God gave me? The king James bible says "thou shalt not kill. " Well should all be pacifists then? And then we have the problem of other bibles saying "thou shall not murder." How can you have conflicting words of God? Is that not a contradiction in terms? Could we have a translation problems? And my guess is if you have one translation problem you have dozens. Oops I'm questioning... I'm sorry, and a blasphemous heathen. I really didn't mean to use the brain God gave me. I am being so un-cult like.
If I interpret that scripture tells us to do absolutely everything the government tells us to do, I should not question that either. People get these differing interpretations, yet most Christians say that you should not question what you read in scripture, UNLESS it disagrees with THEIR interpretations. Then they question it. Have you ever seen a more absurd, circular argument? Never question anything unless it disagrees with what I get out of scripture.
I have not figured this all out as of yet, but I do know that not questioning what you think scripture is saying, Romans 13 in particular, has caused more evil to take hold in this country than any 10 other causes put together. Is that not the ultimate of ironic statements? That in a manner of speaking that a verse of scripture is responsible for most of the evil in this country.
Call me a heathen, or whatever other derogatory term you want to use, but for the life of me scripture looks like a math book where after reading it one person thinks 1+1=4, and the next person that reads it thinks 1+1=6, and IMHO questioning is in order.
Getting back to church....
To the people that I talked with that Sunday, my problems were my fault , or God was punishing me because of this or that. Never mind that most of them have participated in the destruction of our country, it's economy, it's freedoms, and it's moral character mainly through their vote, and their refusal to get seriously involved in keeping an eye on the psychopaths and sociopaths that call themselves politicians and public servants. A few months back I could not get a single member of this church to begin attending local government meetings.No - it is their childish, irresponsible behavior that lies at the root of not only many of my problems, but the problems that most of us face.
Here is another example: Almost to the man, they have by their actions, or their inaction's, supported the dental and medical monopolies. Yet the fact that I am mercury toxic to them is my fault because that is the kind of God they see. A God that destroys your life if you somehow slight him. They live in a world with no personal responsibility whatsoever. They vote for people that openly proclaim that they are thieves, and then when the actions of their elected thieves hurt someone, it is not their fault for voting the thieves in. No, it is the fault of the victim. The victim must have pissed God off somehow and they are suffering because of that.
The evil that Christians support is boundless. They openly worship Caesar more than God. They will certainly not hold Caesar accountable for his actions. They seem to think this would somehow be blasphemous as Caesar is a deity to them.
Here is a thought experiment for you: If a Christian see's a woman being raped, he goes to her aide. Right? But if the same Christian see's a government agent raping, stealing, or murdering someone, they do nothing. Often they will even justify the action. Christians take little or no responsibility for the state of the world, nor do they try to change things. They attribute every evil thing to the will of God, rather than their own poorly thought out actions, and their worship and approval of Caesar.
As I said at the beginning: modern Christianity is a mental disorder.
Pastor Chuck Baldwins 4 sermons on Romans 13
Required reading: Healing Our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle
Pastor Chuck Baldwins 4 sermons on Romans 13
"Government is how we choose to treat our fellow man. Nothing more nothing less. Hence government is how we choose either to love our brothers or rape them. Unfortunately most Christians have chosen the latter." ~ Joe Tittiger
"Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God" ~Ben Franklin
"Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God" ~Ben Franklin