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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Misguided Christians: Do you have your church license?

Imagine that next year that Caesar (your owners) or  whatever you wish to call the criminal tyrants that pose as legitimate government these days, institute a license for you to attend church and it is going to cost $1,000 a year for this license. Caesar justifies  this even though the Constitution explicitly prohibits them from doing so,  arguing that some people abuse religion to harm others. Look at Jim Jones, and  David Koresh. Look at the religious people that attack and heckle gay people.  I mean you don't support Jim Jones, David Koresh or gay haters do you?

Most of the Church people are not concerned about this licensing. After all they are already licensed as 501c3 churches and this slippery slope is not even noticed by any of them. After all does not scripture tell us to give unto Caesar and that government was put there by God?

It turns out that a full 50% of the towns inhabitants can not afford this onerous licensing fee. It does not bother the people that can afford the fee. They do not consider their compliance as legitimizing the actions of Caesar. They do not see that their compliance makes it difficult for those that can't afford the license to buck the system.  Those brethren that choose to attend church without the license will just have to pay the consequences for disobeying the authorities, if their lives and the lives of their families are destroyed or even forfeited  that is what they deserve for not respecting the Lords representatives on this earth.

There are another 25% of the towns people that do not qualify for the license. They are called "prohibited possessors". They have committed some offense on a long, arbitrary, and growing list that excludes them from buying their right to attend church. Things that preclude people from being church licensed  include such things as ever being in an argument with your spouse, (Or just not being able to afford an attorney and having to cop a plea.) as violent people are more likely to abuse religion. If you have ever been committed even against your will you most defiantly can not hold a church license, think how dangerous that would be. If you are on the arbitrary no fly list you also can not have the license. We certainly do not want to promote terroristic christian churches. Lastly what ever new thing of the day that Caesar decides to call a felony can also keep one from holding the license. They don't call them God given/inalienable for nothing. Caesar as Gods representative has every right to take them away.

There are only 25% of the people that can get the church license left. Every year there become fewer and fewer because the fees continue to go up and the "prohibited possessor" list gets more and more inclusive.   This 25%  never considered it their duty to join with the other 75% and tell Caesar what to do with his licensing. If they had the tyranny would have been stopped.
Eventually everyone lost their so called right to a church license.
This is classical example of  Reverend Martin Niemöller's  Poem.

And if you have not figured it out yet this is not about church licenses. This is about gun laws. Concealed carry permits in particular. Christians going along with Caesar, taking the God given rights of other Christians, for any reason, under any circumstances, is to my way of thinking an abomination to God. He gives us gifts and his people help Caesar take this rights from their brethren.  The record of Christian defense of their God given rights is abysmal at the very best. They have always drawn their  line in the sand and have always redrawn it when  Caesar crosses it.  They are about to be backed over a cliff from this backing down. 

The few that do have an immovable line in the sand often say that it is their Religious freedom is the immovable line in the sand. I submit to you that this is the wrong one.  You can worship even if Caesar burns your bible, and bulldozes you church. You can only be prevented from worshiping by death.  One of the lines in the sand  that you should  never back down from  should be any and  every  aspect of self defense because without self defense every other right WILL be taken from you. 

There is an abundance of dumbed down Christians these days. Help educate them as to the consequences of their actions before it is too late.

Please spread the word.
Be Blessed
Thom Jefferson

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